E-Power is the official solution of the Zero Carbon Target Program

E-Power has been selected as one of the recommended and validated solutions of Zero Carbon Target, the new international program engineered to support the client in the development of an effective process for CO2 emissions reduction, aimed at obtaining the prestigious Zero Carbon Target certification (www.zerocarbontarget.com)
The Zero Carbon Target program has been mainly developed by Alens, a top Italian consultancy company specialized in energy efficiency, which cooperated with the international certification body Bureau Veritas in the definition of the protocol that outlines and regulates this certification. The program provides an articulated path which, through the professional support of Alens consultants, leads to the achievement of the 3 leaves, the icon that represents the maximum obtainable level of this certification, that is carbon neutrality.
We are particularly proud that our E-Power technology was recognized by this prestigious certification as one of the official solutions for the implementation of projects aimed at the reductions of CO2 emissions.
The contribution to a more sustainable world is a primary goal of our mission and our participation to this program represents a further step in our company growth, aimed at providing to all sorts of industries in the international marketplace ever more effective solutions for the energy efficiency and the reduction of climate-altering gases.
You can access this news on the Zero Carbon Target website by clicking on this link: