E-Power is the choice of Madrid

E-Power is the choice of Madrid: Ecogreen Global, partner of Energia Europa in Spain, wins the tender for a relevant energy efficiency project in the city of Madrid with E-Power
The last February 17th, Ecogreen Global, Energia Europa official distributor in Spain, signed a contract with the municipality of Madrid, together with Eldu Electro Aplicasiones SA, for the implementation of a wide scope energy efficiency project which involves the installation of the E-Power devices in about 40 public sites managed by the municipality. The contract has been assigned following an international tender for the overall improvement of the Spanish capital in terms of energy efficiency. The installation of E-Power in the public buildings that have been selected is planned over a period of 3 years.
Energia Europa wishes to congratulate Ecogreen Global and Eldu Electro Aplicasiones for this astounding success, which makes us even prouder of our innovative product and our activities.
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