
38.600.000 kWh
Energy saving
15.450.000 kg*
Amount of CO2 recovered
* Conversion factor: 0,400
Updated to June 2024
Company: Coop – Italia
Coop is a collective entity that aggregates under a single brand a set of retail cooperatives with different sizes. Its history begins at the dawn of the Unit of Italy, in 1854, with the opening in Turin of the first “Pension Warehouse”, which purchased wholesale goods to sell them to members at the cost price.
Today Coop is a retail company that has 83 cooperatives, about 2,000 points of sale and over 58,000 employees. Within Coop, Novacoop is the company that covers the Northwest area of Italy, with about 50 supermarkets and 17 hypermarkets.
The commitment to the sustainability of the business is expressed in products distributed by minimizing the waste of resources and the emission of substances harmful to the environment.
The customer was looking for a safe and easy-to-apply efficiency solution, which could be deployable in a relatively short time on a large number of sites with an interesting return on investment.
The project
At the beginning of 2013 Novacoop, the company which manage Ipercoop stores in Piemonte, decided to conduct a pilot test with EP-X in a Ipercoop store in Turin, extended over an area of almost 20,000 square meters, where an EP2000A was installed in the main electric cabin upstream of all managed loads.
In this case the loads were mainly composed of inverter-free machinery, refrigeration and air conditioning, kitchen equipment and ovens, lighting, office equipment.
The efficiency result measured on this pilot plant was 5.80%;
after this test, Novacoop decided to continue the efficiency project with EP-X also on the remaining points of sale.
In the following 7 years, in fact, Novacoop installed the EP-X devices in 53 other sites of the group, while Unicoop Firenze began its energy efficiency project by installing 2 EP-X devices of 1,250 A and 1,400 A on the first 2 Tuscan sites of Sesto Fiorentino and Empoli; in Emilia Romagna, moreover, Coop Reno has applied our solution in 6 sites in the region.