

Average saving measured

578.000 kWh

Energy saving

368.500 kg*

Amount of CO2 recovered

* Conversion factor: 0,400

Data updated to June 2024


Company: Conad – Italy

Conad is the largest organization of independent retail entrepreneurs present in Italy. It was founded in 1962 as a cooperative society to bring together under one name a group of small retailers, later opening the first supermarket in Bologna. After 60 years of continuous development, Conad now boasts a vast network of retail outlets distributed throughout Italy, including small and medium-sized supermarkets, hypermarkets, and superstores.

Commitment to sustainability translates into progressive logistics optimization with emissions reduction and increased efficiencies and virtuous practices in its 3.328 retail outlets.

The client was looking for an additional efficiency solution to the interventions carried out to be tested on a single site and then, if proven effective, transferred to other points of sales of the cooperative.

The Project

As part of an ambitious energy efficiency project, in 2021 Conad decided to install the 800A EP-X devices, recording significant savings in both energy and operating costs. Given the results, the company decided to continue the application og the EP-X system on other sites of the cooperative.