239.000 kWh
112.000 kg*
Amount of CO2 recovered
* Conversion factor: 0,400
Data updated to June 2024
Company: F.lli Mauri – Italy
F.lli Mauri SPA is an Italian company that produces high-quality fastening solutions for the wood, automotive, and industrial sectors. The company’s history dates back to the late 1940s when the F.lli Mauri brothers experimented with an innovative solution for welding metal chains in a garage. Since then, thanks to strong entrepreneurial spirit, the company has grown, and today F.lli Mauri is a European leader in cold fastening production, with over 80 employees. The two production sites in Olginate and Garlate (LC) serve customers in over 45 global markets. Commitment to reducing environmental impact includes using energy only from renewable sources, coupled with a strong focus on the energy efficiency of lighting systems and equipment.
Within the process of its energy efficiency programs, the client wanted to test an effective efficiency solution for the reduction of its electricity consumption and the improvement of power quality.
The Project
In May 2022, a first 1000A EP-X was installed in cabin C1 at the Garlate site, downstream of the main breaker. The line in question manages part of the plant’s production, which is almost equally composed of inverter-controlled production machinery and non-inverter-controlled machinery. Given the results achieved, the following year an additional 1000A EP-X was installed on the other line that manages the production of the site, in which the configuration of the loads is equally distributed between inverter- controlled production machinery, non-inverter machinery and air conditioning compressors. Both lines have an annual consumption of about 1,150,000 kWh for a power consumption of about 450 kW.