Mechanical Industry

Energia Europa for Mechanical Industry
27.719.000 kWh
Aggregate energy saved
11.088.000 Kg
Amount of CO2 recovered
4,20 %
Average efficiency measured
Aggiornati a Maggio 2023 / Updated to May 2023
Industrial Energy Saving
Saving and improving industrial energy efficiency is one of the European and national focuses underlying the regulations on energy savings and related emission reduction.
The improvement of energy performance in industrial plants makes it possible to take targeted actions to curb consumption and emissions in highly energy-intensive settings.
EP-X in the industrial and manufacturing sector
Energia Europa has already installed EP-X devices at an ever-increasing number of leading companies aiming at industrial energy efficiency.
As for other sectors, we have enjoyed considerable consent, thus bringing our installations even outside Europe.
This achievement stems from the high quality, effectiveness and reliability of a product that results from a solid base of research and development, and can be quickly inserted into a company without modifying the existing systems.