Food and beverage Industry

Energia Europa the food and beverage industry
19.725.000 kWh
Aggregate energy saved
7.890.000 Kg
Amount of CO2 recovered
Average efficiency measured
Aggiornati a Maggio 2023 / Updated to May 2023
Energy Efficiency food and beverage industry
The application areas of the EP-X device in this industry refer to both to the food processing sector and the beverage sector. The sizes of EP-X installed range usually between 1,000 A to 2,000 A.
The food and beverage industry is one of leading industry in Europe in terms of turnover (around € 1,200 billion) and employment (about 4 million and 700 thousand, approximately 15% of those employed in European manufacturing), as highlighted
in the 2018 report of the Food & Drink Europe association.
L’industria alimentare (cibo e bevande) è tra le più importanti industrie in Europa in termini di fatturato (circa € 1.200 miliardi) ed occupazione (circa 4 milioni e 700 mila, approssimativamente il 15% degli occupati nel manifatturiero europeo), come evidenziato nel report 2018 dell’associazione FoodDrinkEurope.
It is an industry that counts almost 300 thousand companies in Europe and has been stable, robust and resilient over time.
It is a heterogeneous industry, but the first 5 sectors (bakery and flour products, meat products, dairy industry, beverages and other food products) account for three quarters of the total turnover and more than 80% of enterprises and employees.
Although with nuances varying according to the various markets to which they belong and the size of the companies, the entire food chain in recent years is showing a lot of attention to the issues of energy efficiency and sustainability.