


Average saving measured

1.181.000 kWh

Energy saving

590.500 kg*

Amount of CO2 recovered

Conversion factor: 0,400

Updated to January 2024


Company: Odelo – Germany

Odelo is a German company specialized in the production of interior and exterior lighting systems for automotive vehicles. Founded in 1935 by Alfred Schefenacker in Esslingen, the company consisting of 10 people, began operating as a manufacturer of interior lights for vehicles. Later, thanks also to the use of the first injection molding machine for plastics, it quickly expanded its product portfolio, achieving continuous growth, so much so that by the 1960s it had over 600 employees. In 1986, the introduction of the first injection molding machine for colored plastics led to further production growth. The pioneering spirit and the pursuit of technological progress have led Odelo to become one of
the largest producers of vehicle lights in the world today, with facilities in Europe, Turkey, China, and Mexico.

The company was looking for an energy efficiency solution that would also improve power quality and therefore contribute to the reduction of production downtime.

The Project

In December 2022, an EP-X 2500A system was installed downstream of the 2 TR1 and TR2 transformers at the plant in Prebold, Slovenia.
In January 2023, an EP-X 3200A system was installed downstream of the TR3 and TR4 transformers, which are mainly feeding loads controlled by power electronics.