Plastic Industry


Energia Europa for Plastic industry


EP-X installed

35.467.000 kWh

Aggregate energy saved

14.187.000 kWh

Amount of CO2 recovered

4,00 %

Average efficiency measured

Aggiornati a Maggio 2023 / Updated to May 2023

The plastic industry represents one of the most favorable environments for the proven effectiveness of the EP-X solution, in terms of energy saving, power quality improvement and reduction of maintenance costs.

Plastic and rubber industry

The plastics industry is vital for Europe’s economy; the plastic raw materials producers, plastics converters, plastics recyclers, and machinery manufacturers represent together a value-chain that employs over 1.5 million people in Europe in more than 55 thousand companies, most of them SMEs operating in all European countries, for a total turnover of over 350 billion euros.